The Blueprint for a Book is Author Accelerator’s signature process created by the company’s founder, Jennie Nash. This package is similar to the one in her book, but if you work with you’ll receive:

    • expanded exercises (20 instead of the book’s 14),
    • the ability to take a deeper dive into the pieces that will support you to finish your book draft,
    • one-on-one coaching support (level depending on what works for you) as you develop the Blueprint, encouraging you to finish and have the best possible start for your novel.


At the completion of this package you’ll have found the heart of your book, know why you want to write it, be clear on your genre and your ideal reader, get to know your protagonist and their all-important change arc, and complete an Inside-Outline that will support and guide you through the drafting process.

This is the package you want if:

  • You have an idea for a book that needs to be developed before you can start writing.
  • You’re in the planning or early drafting stage of your book and need to know more before writing.
  • You’ve started a draft (or several) and now you’re stuck and you don’t know why.

You will submit:

  • A complete project intake questionnaire,
  • A one-page book summary,
  • Exercises in the Blueprint – either all at once or in regular deadlines.

There are three ways to work with me on the BLUEPRINT FOR A BOOK:

1) Self guided with a Coaching Call  – NEW! – Receive the full blueprint upfront, finish it in your own time, then send it to me for feedback. After I return it to you, we’ll set up an hour long call to go over any major issues or challenges you want to review. ($495)

2) Bi-weekly Deadlines and Calls – Receive the blueprint in stages over the course of six deadlines, every other week. We’ll also have 6 calls to review what you’ve done and make sure you’re confident to take the next steps. ($995)

3) VIP Day – NEW! – Receive the full blueprint upfront, finish it in your own time, sending me questions along the way as necessary. When it’s complete, I’ll review it, send you my feedback, then we’ll work together for a FULL DAY (7 hours!) not only to review the pieces, but to dive deeper on the exercises so you are ready to start drafting by the time we’re done. ($1,595). I’ll even send you lunch on the day we work together!

If you’re ready to build your novel’s foundation, you can sign up directly for any of the packages (the titles are links).
If you want to talk further, schedule a Discovery Call with me so we can discuss your book and how I can help.

A $200 discount will be applied to any ongoing coaching package purchased after Blueprint for a Book