Your 50 First Pages 

The start of your book is critical. These are the pages a reader – as well as an agent or editor – will review to decide if they want to continue reading. As a coach, I can tell a lot about your book from its opening pages. I will evaluate your manuscript opening for premise, clear POV and initial character development and conflict, matching of genre expectations, writing technique, and more.

You will submit:

  • A complete project intake questionnaire,
  • A one-page book summary,
  • The first 50 pages of your manuscript (or up to 12,500 words),


And receive:

  • An editorial letter highlighting your pages strengths and weaknesses and offering suggestions for next steps.
  • Inline comments on (at least) the first ten (10) pages to show how the points in the editorial letter are showing up on the page.
  • One 45-minute follow up Zoom call to discuss the feedback, your thoughts, and create an actionable next step plan
  • Additional exercises or recommendations where needed to clarify character arcs (backstory and motivations), narrative drive, and more.


This assessment is a great way to learn if your novel is on track as well as if book coaching might be right for you going forward.

Opening Pages Assessment – $297

Email to purchase or find out if an Opening Pages Assessment is right for you by scheduling a free 30-minute Discovery Call